How to apply

Applications for the admission to the selection process must be submitted within the peremptory date specified in the related call. The participation in the call will only be accepted by online application, following the instructions provided on the page of the University of Bergamo website

At the end of the procedure, confirmation that the application has been entered will be sent to the e-mail address indicated by the candidate; it is the candidate's responsibility to verify the correct receipt of the confirmation email.

Claims for any malfunctions to the IT system will not be accepted; applicants are therefore asked to complete the application well in advance, within and not later than the closing date. Any applications submitted with any other procedure than the one specified above will not be considered valid.

The communication of the test date provided in attachment A of this call constitutes a notification for all purposes. Any changes in the date of the interview will be notified to the selected applicants with at least 10 days notice by means of an official communication published on

The selection will occour by evaluation of qualifications and interviews.

PhD programs Round XL