Advisory Board


The PhD's Advisory Board is composed of the following members:

  • OECD-Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development: Carlotta Balestra, Centre for well-being, inclusion, sustainability and equal opportunity; Michela Gamba, Statistics and Data Directorate
  • Ministry of Culture: Leandro Ventura, Director, Central Institute for Intangible Heritage
  • ERSAF-Ente Regionale per i Servizi all'agricoltura e alle Foreste: Luca Grimaldi, Manager, Mountain Territorial Network Structure
  • AGeI-Associazione dei Geografi Italiani, Dino Gavinelli, Training Area delegate
  • AIIG-Associazione Italiana Ingegnati di Geografia: Riccardo Morri, President
  • FAI-Fondo Ambiente Italiano: Claudio Cecchinelli, Bergamo Delegation Manager and Focal Point - Bergamo Creative City UNESCO delegate
  • The Lisbon Council for Economic Competitiveness and Social Renewal: Francesco Moreddu, Senior Director
  • Centro Studi "": Gabriele Natalizia, President
  • Master’s Degree in Geourbanistica, Edmondo Pietrangeli, Association ALUMNI GEOU delegate
  • Master’s Degree in Planning and Management of Tourism Systems, Roberta Valsecchi

The PhD project was discussed with (and has attracted the interest of) representatives of the Interested Parties, who were consulted on 20 February 2024. They have agreed to join the Advisory Board and to welcome PhD students interested in carrying out specific experiences at their institutions.